
Imprint and legal notice


MK-MED Medizintechnik AG
Industriezone Basper 33
CH-3942 Raron / VS
is a website of MK-MED Medizintechnik AG in Raron. The overall responsibility for the Internet portal lies with MK-MED Medizintechnik AG based in Raron.


1.  Liability

Although MK-MED Medizintechnik AG pays great attention to the correctness of the published information, no guarantee can be given with regard to the correctness, accuracy, topicality, reliability and completeness of this information.

MK-MED Medizintechnik AG reserves its exclusive right at all times, and without prior notice, to alter, delete or occasionally not to publish information, partly or in full.

Liability claims against MK-MED Medizintechnik AG for damages of a material or immaterial nature arising from access to, use or non-use of the published information, through misuse of the connection or through technical faults, are excluded.

2.  References and Links

References and links to third-party websites lie outside the area of responsibility of MK-MED Medizintechnik AG. Access and use of such websites take place entirely at the user's own risk. MK-MED Medizintechnik AG expressly declares that it has no influence whatsoever on the design, content and offers of the linked pages. The respective third parties retain full responsibility over the information and services from linked websites.

Any liability for such websites is rejected.

3.  Data Protection

Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and on the data protection provisions of the Swiss Confederation, every person has the right to protection of their privacy and to protection against misuse of their personal data. MK-MED Medizintechnik AG complies with these provisions. Personal data will be treated in strict confidence and neither sold nor provided to third parties.

In close cooperation with our hosting providers, we strive to protect the databases as much as possible from unauthorized access, data loss, misuse or falsification.

When accessing our websites, the following data is stored in log files: IP address, date, time, browser request and general information transmitted to the operating system, or browser.

This usage data forms the basis for statistical, anonymous evaluations, so that trends can be identified on the basis of which MK-MED Medizintechnik AG can improve what it offers accordingly. In accordance with the Federal Act on the Monitoring of Post and Telecommunications Traffic (BÜPF), there is a legal obligation to maintain records of connection for the previous six months.

When you contact us voluntarily, your email address will be stored in a separate database which is not linked to anonymous log files. You may cancel your registration at any time.

4.    Copyright

The information contained on the websites of MK-MED Medizintechnik AG is made available to the public. Downloading or copying of texts, illustrations, photos, or any other data shall not entail any transfer of rights to the content.

The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website of MK-MED Medizintechnik AG belong exclusively to itself or to the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holders must be obtained in advance of the reproduction of any element.

The place of jurisdiction is Leuk in Switzerland.